Pilatus PC12 System Training Recurrent Course Phase 3

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PC12 Aircraft System Training

Recurrent Training - Phase 3 of 3

This Aircraft System Training is an interactive e-learning course. The course is developed for pilots’ recurrent training. The course is available in 3 phases. Each phase covers 1/3 of the aircraft systems. A final exam, covering all systems and limitations is included. It provides system training through illustrations, photos, audio, and text.  It is divided into chapters with multiple-choice questions to ensure that the pilot reaches the target knowledge. After completing the course, a certificate of completion will be sent automatically.

The course is based on the PC12-47 NG.

Course duration: 6 hrs

USA: +1 (512) 394 8960
Europe: +46 70 571 3610

We provides courses in specific airplane models such as Beechcraft, Cessna, Pilatus and Piper, as well as general aircraft or customized courses.