Qrosscheck Aviation E-Learning

Courses liked by pilots

We use innovative solutions for our training material. The focus is on you as the learner. We all are different and learn in different ways, this is carefully thought about when developing a course. It is not about the quantity, more of how you as a learner interact and can relate the training to its practical use.

Talented graphic designers work closely with aviation experts, experienced pilots to create the best possible course material. We focus on the content, relevant information at same time compliant with applicable regulations, not the quantity.

Worldwide presence

We have more than 25 years of experience in most fields in aviation, globally. Our knowledge of international aviation regulations and authorities give us the position of providing course material to meet any state requirement. Our customers are located on all continents.

Qrosscheck Learning is originally a Swedish company with a presence in Sweden and in Texas, USA.  

What makes us different

We have a different approach when it comes to e-learning courses. Our courses must be interesting. They are built on quality and not quantity.
We believe that training within aviation must be efficient, that is why we focus on what is important and what is required. So how do we do that? Well since we are a team of active aviation experts who fly and operate in different parts of the world, we stay up to speed with regulations and new procedures and equipment.

Most of our courses can easily be adjusted to any operators specification. In other words, it will be about your operation with your procedures, and your pilots will like them.