Aviation Security - ACMR
US Operations for Cargo Carrier
Air Carrier Management Representative
Recurrent Training
This course covers the regulations and procedures for a non-US cargo carrier, operating to, from, within, or overflying the United States.
Duration: 1 hr

The course is developed for non-US Air Cargo Carrier, who operate to, from, within, or overflying the United States. Covers the topics and regulations for the All-Cargo International Security Procedures (ACISP), TSA. This course is developed for personnel who will have the role of ACMR. Covers the curriculum set by TSA.
This recurrent training contains quizzes that must be successfully answered. If not, you will be directed to the applicable chapter for a review of the topics. Once the review is completed, you will again be redirected to the applicable quiz, if answered correctly, you will be allowed to proceed.
Ref: ACISP, 49 CFR 1520, 1540, 18 USC 1001, 49 CFR 1542. 14 CFR Part 129.
Course contents
ACISP Background
ACISP General Requirements
ACISP Requirements
49 CFR Part 1520, Protection of Sensitive Security Information
49 CFR Part 1520, Covered persons
49 CFR Part 1520, Restrictions of the disclosure of SSI
49 CFR Part 1520, Marking SSI
49 CFR Part 1540.103, Fraud and intentional falsification of records
49 CFR Part 1540.105, Security responsibilities of employees and other persons
SIDA – Security Identification Display Area
AOA – Air Operations Area
ACMR – Air Carrier Management Representative
Reporting to the TSA
Credible sources of threat information
Security related reports
Security Report content
Request of LEO (Law Enforcement Officer)
Specific threats and acts of air piracy
Threat to an aircraft
Operations-related Travel
ID Check
Un-verified ID
Master Crew List – MCL
Crewmember Manifest approval
CAA Inspectors
Non-Crewmember List
Non-Crewmember Manifest
Air Cargo Advance Screening – ACAS
Aircraft Security – US Location
Aircraft Security – Non-US Location
Aircraft Search
Aircraft Search Record
Area Security
ACMR Duties
Ground service activities
Perimeter control
Guards and Law Enforcement Officers
ICAO standards and recommended practices
Pre-Boarding Screening
Crew baggage
Crew security training
Emergency response
Identification of unauthorized persons, weapons
Prohibited items
Concealed weapon
Incendiary Devices
This course is delivered via the Qrosscheck Learning website. The e-learning course modifies itself depending on your screen, works on both computers and tablets. By purchasing this product you agree that the product will be used by a single user. Evidence of account sharing, commercial use, or excessive use will result in the early termination of the license.
This course is developed for flight operations to, from, within, or overflying the United States. Regulations and requirements based on US Federal Regulations.
Any questions or technical problems, we have a 24/7 support available.