Weather Radar and Thunderstorm Avoidance Course

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Weather Radar & Thunderstorm Avoidance

The course covers topics related to thunderstorms and weather phenomena associated with thunderstorms. Microbursts, weather radar techniques, and limitations. A chapter with Ice Crystal Icing (ICI) included. 

Course contents

▪ The CB
▪ The CB Mature State
▪ Microbursts
▪ CB Dissipating state
▪ Risks
▪ Hail
▪ Microburst and Windshear

Weather Radar Theory and Functionalities
▪ WX Radars
▪ Regulations
▪ Accident Rates
NEXRAD – Next Generation Radar
▪ NEXRAD Capabilities
▪ NEXRAD Limitations
Radar Fundamentals
▪ Radar Components
▪ Radar Transmitter and Receiver
▪ Radar Pulse
▪ Certified Beam Width
▪ Attenuation
▪ Antenna Beam Pattern
▪ Reflectivity
▪ Radar Detection
▪ WX radar and NEXRAD
▪ Radar Components
▪ Antenna Stabilization
▪ Beam Width
▪ Radar Displays
▪ WX Radar Controls
▪ WX Radar Faults
▪ Other weather-related products
▪ Weather Radar Limitations

Weather Avoidance
▪ Strategic Weather Avoidance
▪ Tactical Weather Avoidance
▪ Tilt
▪ Gain
▪ 1:60 Rule
▪ CB Cell Clearance
▪ Pass a cell
▪ Avoidance Decisions
▪ Specific Weather Shapes
▪ Blind Alley Effect
▪ Performance Limitations
▪ During Flight
▪ CRM and Weather Radar
▪ Scenarios

ICI Ice Crystal Icing
▪ ICI Description
▪ ICI Detection
▪ ICI Avoidance

USA: +1 (512) 394 8960
Europe: +46 70 571 3610

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